Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Simple Day is a Good Day.

Today has been a relaxing day.  Got all my errands done this morning and found out I need new brakes on my Jeep - that of course was more stressful than relaxing, but it didn't put me in a panic either.   While the Jeep was getting its oil changed, I was planning to do my 40 minute "long" run, however, I forgot my Nike+ transmitter so I lost my motivation to run. I want it to count!!  I still ran from the Marathon to the library, hung out there and then ran back. I would say it was about a half mile total.

Once I got home I decided I really needed to do some exercise today.  I got on my eliptical for 10 minutes.  It made me feel better, so I jumped on the treadmill with the goal of completing the rest of my 10,000 steps for the day. Mainly I walked, but I did some stregnth training for my arms and some incline workwhile on the treadmill.  Did 3.1 miles in 51 minutes...not bad for walking.  I felt great and was motivated to eat a healthy dinner before the hockey game instead of grabbing pizza at the game.  I burned about 500 calories and 160 fat calories. :)

While on the treadmill, I was thinking about my New Year's Resolution for this year. I usually make my resolutions on my birthday, my own personal New Year, instead of January 1. But this year I have decided to set some goals on January1 and re-assess on my birthday.  I would really like to start eating better and stop drinking any and all pop. I am hopeful that stopping the pop will help me lose the rest of my belly.    I want to become a true runner and start to think of food as fuel for my body instead of just eating because of boredom.

I have been trying to learn how to eat better from my magazines, but I think I should just reread the Chris Johnson book.  And start cooking! lol   Healthy food does not come in a box or in a potato chip bag! If only I had the will power to stop buying frozen mac & cheese and cook my own healthier version.  I did make mashed sweet potato's a couple of weeks ago.  They taste great and froze/thawed just as good.  They should be a staple food in my freezer all times.  I am not sure I can go back to just plain mashed white potato's.

Truly the only reason I don't eat better is just laziness.  I stay in bed an extra 10 minutes in the morning so I don't have time to make a healthly lunch to take to work. Although, this past week, I did grab a can of tuna to make a sandwich at work.  That is healthy.

Speaking of work, I also want to start working out over lunch. If I can't walk outside, I can at least start walking the stairs. It seems to me that would be a great cross training activity - walking the stairs a few times a day. 

Goals to consider:
1.  10,000 steps a day.  (I was doing this consistently until Scott and I split up - no reason I can't do it again.)

2.   Run 15 miles  a week, with at least one 4 - 5 mile run each week.

3.   Drink 64 oz of water everyday.   (I might have to go back to buying bottled water to make this happen.)

4.   Start cooking dinner at least 4 times a week.  (I have healthy breakfast down, and usually a healthy lunch,but fall apart in the evening - so cooking should help. And the off nights can be left overs.)

5.  Work outs at lunch at the office.

Well - I am getting tired finally, so off to bed.   Tomorrow's goal - get in a 4 mile run!   I have 2 races next weekend - need to be ready!

PS. I wanted to mention that I was able to re-connect with an old childhood friend today through FB - I am so excited to finally be in contact with her again.   That was the highlight of my day.

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