Sunday, January 23, 2011

Team Playmakers

Training with Team Playmakers officially started last Sunday, January 15, 2011.  I am loving it!!!  I made it to Saturday's 8:00a.m. training at Hawk Island and the unofficial training from the MAC on Tuesday night.  It felt great to get out there and have so many people out there with you.  On Tuesday I was partnered up with Jackie.  She is fantastic.  She pushed me to run more then I normally would have.  It was nice to have someone pushing me for a change.  We are planning to run together this Tuesday again. 

This Saturday I skipped the training at Playmakers and ran on my treadmill.  My goal was to up my distance to .75 without walking and I did it.  The weather was below zero with crazy wind chills and I was chicken.  Weather is supposed to get back into 20's this week though so I will get back out there.  This morning I had my first yoga class.  Love it.  I can do all the poses well, but can't hold them for long.  I have a race next week, so I won't make the 2nd class.  Sort of bummed about that, but Sunday's race will be fun.  Kim is coming out with the boys.  Can't wait to meet them!!

Here's what I did:
Saturday: 2.5 miles
Sunday: Wii Fit
Monday: Rest - body was sore!!
Tuesday: MAC run - 2 miles
Wednesday: Rest - went to parent's
Thursday: Worked late - skipped training
Friday: Hockey
Saturday: 3 miles on treadmill & Wii Fit
Sunday: Yoga & 2 miles on treadmill
Total: 9.5 since training started   :-) 
(Note the first week has odd number of days - weeks will normally go from Monday - Sunday)

Looking forward to my continued journey and proud of myself for getting in all my miles even when I skipped the official session.  Yeah!  I am going to do this.

But the truly important part - meeting myself.  I am so excited that I am finally finding out who I am.  I am someone that cares about my health and loves to be active.  I like to read, love my animals, and I am actually starting to enjoy cooking when I can come up with something to make!  Tonight Laura told me she made fish, green beans and brown rice and I realized, I have all that.  I can make that.  So I did and have enough for a couple of meals during the week so I can eat healthier this week.  Last week I struggled with my food so this is good.  I was then motivated to make chocolate covered strawberries and raspberries for snacks this week.  I used semi-sweet dark chocolate so at least it is the healthy chocolate if there really is such a thing.

If I could just make healthy choices all week ...  some day.  Small steps and I will make eventually make good choices a habit right?  Maybe they can carry over into my love life someday!  That is a joke!!!  :)  Seriously - that needs more than help.  It needs major surgery.  And I don't do surgery.  But seriously, I am finally learning to love my life and do things for me that I enjoy.  I can feel myself coming back to life.  I am starting to care about others again, remember the little things about others, am enjoy spending time with friends and of course - hockey! 

I have been busy again these days and exhausted at night which is always a great thing - I am sleeping again finally.  And I am happy to get up in the morning, going into work earlier.  To feel alive again.  I know up and downs are part of life, but I really don't want to put myself in a position to go through that again. 

To Life!!  How good it is.   

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1.1.11 - The Day of New Beginnings!

After just and hour of sleep, my alarm went off this morning.  Needless to say I hit the snooze button for an hour before I dragged myself out of bed.  It is New Year's Day 2011 and I had a 5k scheduled.  I have to admit, I talked myself in and out of attending it all day yesterday, but in the end I knew I would be disappointed in myself if I skipped it.  So I got up, took a quick shower that was supposed to wake me up, but didn't and headed to the west side of Lansing.

The race was at Our Savoir Lutheran Church. They have a school and were raising money for the althetics department. It is over offSt. Joe behind Walmart - close to Grand Ledge.  The course took us up Upton Rd, to Saginaw down to Broadbent and Broadbent back to St. Joe and the church.  I told myself through the entire race - I better be happy I did it when I finish!!

I walked/ran it since I haven't ran a step since Lisa and didn't run in New Baltimore.  But I still finished in my best time yet!  40:23.  The Turkey Trot time was 45:27, Fantasy 5k was 41:19 and the Jingle Bell in Lansing was 41:56. 

When the race was over, I stuck around to watch the awards ceremony.  They are so casual it seems odd to call it a ceremony. Anyway, it was nice to see the people that were winning.  And I was and still am happy with myself for going out there and doing it.  It was hard because I was so tired and I realized once I was in the Jeep on the way there that I forgot to eat before I left and didn't bring water.

I wore my Thanskgiving Day race shirt - a few people commented on it and how nice it was.I felt like a real runner in my previous race shirt!  :)  At first when I got there today, it looked like only 50 people were there and they all looked like experienced runners, but the total was 224 by the beginning of the race and several people were at the same level as I am.  About 50 people came in after me still.

I did this one alone today and with no training for a month - so I am really happy with my time.  Laura and Kim are coming out for the Polar Bear 5k in Meridian Twp. on Jan 30.  Lisa hasn't decided either way yet. But I am going to set a goal to finish in 39 minutes.  That's not a big difference from today, but I should be able to do it. After that, I never want to be over 40 minutes again unless I am doing strictly a walk.

Next Sunday is the Playmakers training information night.The training starts Jan 15. I am definitely going to train with them.  I am also considering canceling my gym membership and taking yoga classes instead. But I haven't decided yet.  I have until January 20th to make that decision.   I keep going back and forth with it.  I would think Yoga would help my running though - stretch me out better.

I am so exhausted tonight, but I am staying up until 10:00 without a nap because I need to get my sleep schedule back on track. My New Year's resolution is to get more disciplined this year, so  I can get the things I want to do done. Like be ready to run the half marathon in Detroit in October.

Cheers to 2011~ It is going to be a good year!